Friday, 15 February 2013

Post Valentines

I haven't taken many pictures since the downfall of film.
But as my memory seemed a lonely and unreliable place
to keep all these images of my growing children,
I finally bought myself a camera
to document the days, the years, these lives as they fly by.
This blog will share some of those images.
In the backdrop or the foreground, the wilderness we explore and inhabit ought to reveal it's splendor.
And I will recount the trials and joys of our continued attempts to forge a comfortable niche here
living on the edge
of the bluffs overlooking the McQuesten River.
The days are short and the nights long and sometimes bright. This photo was taken by moonlight just before winter solstice by our friend Louis Schilder.  He and my mother skied in for a visit at -30 celcius. Our mini family home, 330 sq feet of comfort in the central Yukon's boreal forest, may well have been the only warm place but for the interiors of the forest creatures for miles in all directions. That is a precious feeling.
My family is with the times though, and when the snow is too deep and the wind drifts it too high for our truck, we come in and out the 14 km trail by skidoo, (all four of us on one for the time being).